Demisal of mummy's sister...

2009 September 17 - 20

Created by Mr Siju Varghese 9 years ago
Mummy was shocked of hearing her one & only elder sister’s demisal. As sisters they were very close….It was an early morning...We got a call abt the demisal,which we hid from mummy at first...On the day of her sister's funeral, mummy fainted & we took her to hospital…She commented:"I feel i am dying". Mummy could never accept the fact that her sister passed away….For so long her sister's photo was placed in mummy’s room….she used to look onto her sister’s snap daily for long & worry a lot till the day she was admitted in ICU...& she longed to be with her....& at the very end she also flew with her to the land of peace.... They both passed away in the same hospital,next to next bed,early morning in three years 1 month gap...
